Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Free Breast Implants & Breast Augmentation Surgery

Whether they need reconstructive surgery after breast cancer, or just a self-esteem boost, women often balk at the price of breast implants. While some insurance companies may pay for breast augmentation in certain situations, most women seeking breast implant surgery must pay out of pocket, or find a benefactor. If you are a women with financial constraints, there are several ways that you can get free implants. Read more to see if you are eligible.

Step 1

The best way to get a whole suite of cosmetic surgeries, including breast implants, is to apply for a makeover on a reality show. There are several programs on TV that feature everyday people getting transformative makeovers.

You have a good shot at being selected if you are older, have a tragic life story, and are....well....cosmetically challenged. If you don't mind being on TV, give it a shot.

Step 2

Set up a website to solicit donations. This works well if you are very attractive -- except for being flat-chested. To make enough money in a decent time frame, you will need to get lots of traffic to your site, which means posting lots of sexy pictures.

In exchange for chatting and exchanging emails, many men will donate to your plastic surgery fund. It is considered good etiquette to post photos of yourself after you get breast implants, so that your donors can see what they paid for.

Step 3

      If you are not tech-savvy, and alternative to Step 2 is to register with a website called My Free Implants. All you have to do is upload photos of yourself and chat with benefactors; the website will take care of collecting donations on your behalf while keeping your personal info safe. When you have acquired enough donated funds to pay for your breast implants, My Free Implants will pay your surgeon directly.

Step 4

      If you are a military wife, you may be able to get free surgery if you pay for the actual implants yourself. Check with your physician on base.


  1. Some of these methods have worked in the past years, but I wouldn't count on them too much, especially Step 1. Appearing on national TV is stressful and invades privacy. A operation should be a one-on-one contract with a doctor.

    Geoffrey Lelia

  2. Thanks for sharing. If you’re considering breast augmentation, the most important decision you’ll make is who will perform your procedure.

    cosmetic surgery Philippines
